Wednesday 26 April 2023

Location Recce

 Location Recce.

What ideas do you have on where you are going to film?

There are many locations to choose from when picking one for filming. A few are:

In the actual school.

In a house

in a park

Why have you chosen these locations and how does it help the audience relate to the chocolate bar?

The reasons why I have chosen these locations is that:

I can use the green screen inside when shooting. This will benefit me because the chocolate's background can be anything I want it to be. I can save time and money because of this. This can make the chocolate bar commercial more relatable to the younger audience when I film in the actual school. The chocolate bar's overall message is to have a snack on the go, but it also combines different flavour and demonstrates synergy. This is why it might be a wonderful setting for a movie.

•When filming in a park, this can make the commercial more engaging overall. This comes as a result of the audience's

mounting suspense. They will be attracted by this and become more interested in the advertisement. As a result, the total audience may grow, increasing the likelihood that the chocolate bar's rebranding will be a


However, there may be times when shooting in a home is a smart idea. This may imply that additional clients and viewers may be attracted to this. This is because they might be able to relate to the process that led to the formation of dairy milk.

What are the differences of the locations to make the chocolate bar advert?

There are a variety of differences of the chosen locations. Some are:

  • Two of the venues are outside, while one is indoors.
  • Only 1 of the places needs a green screen;
  • the other locations don't.
  • Every place has a distinct meaning.

.  To speak to various audiences, each site needs a distinct and diverse message.

What is your final ideal location to film this chocolate bar advert?

I believe I will combine two of the areas I have mentioned for my final concept.

This is because it will make the advertisement easier to grasp and more appealing to both audiences. The two sites I've selected are the green screen inside and the park location. This is so that my advertisement can display the chocolate bar's FINAL THOUGHTS ingredients and any synergistic elements that will help demonstrate the two companies' cooperation. As a result, I may use the green screen as any background I wish. I chose to film in the park because I want to make sure that all audiences, not just one generation, are drawn in.

Monday 17 April 2023

The history of the chocolate of the i have selected.

History of the Cadbury Chocolate bar

What product have I chosen and why?

The Cadbury Dairy Milk chocolate bar is the product I've selected to promote in the TV and radio commercials. Due to the flavours they offer viewers, this product is why I decided to do the advertisements. Additionally, this offer combines 1 popular item that audiences love to own. This product definitely demonstrates synergy. This means that I can double the number of people that watch this advertisement. 

When did Cadbury first launch the product?

In 1905, Cadbury introduced the Dairy Milk chocolate bar. It was first made available in Switzerland before being gradually made available everywhere else. The large population of Switzerland can be one explanation for this. This implied that the success or failure of the product was determined on the feedback Cadbury received. But throughout the past few years, this chocolate bar has consistently been reintroduced as a result of the rebranding.

Who do you think is the audience for the product?

I believe the product is a straightforward, basic item that consumers can grab on the move and is a tasty chocolate bar. I believe the market for this product is between the ages of 10 and 40. I believe this because milk chocolate is a food that people of these particular ages prefer.

Describe the packaging.

Over the course of the past five years since

the first debut, the packaging has grown and altered.

The product's designs all adhered to a professional aesthetic, nonetheless. The product's coloration is a consistent purple

and purplish shade. This demonstrated the milk's synergy. The product's present design is extremely straightforward. This served its audiences well by demonstrating both formality and informality. In other words, customers are drawn to pick up this product and excited to give it a bite.

An example of an _old advertisement campaign.

Analyse the advert.

Description of packaging.

The packaging itself has a straightforward colour scheme: purple. Audiences benefit from this since they can see the various

brands that are associated with one another. Because it is pleasant and not too potent, the package also includes one important ingredient that will influence audiences to choose.


There is a glass and half for everyone, according to the slogan. It is therefore a

straightforward chocolate bar with a single ingredient of milk. This demonstrates that buyers are more drawn to this chocolate because it has more to offer.

Luxury? On the go? Everyday?

This item can be used daily. This is so that all clients can appreciate its simple and pleasurable ingredients. Additionally, this can encourage buyers to purchase more of it. Additionally, this product features a key component that unites the entire chocolate.

Potential Target Audience?

This chocolate, in my opinion, is suitable for everyone. This is because the chocolate is not overly opulent for consumers and is instead basic but attractive. Everyone should definitely recommend this because the ingredients are simple and delicious.

What ideas might you use to keep the brand consistency?


I might exploit the commercial's climax to maintain brand coherence. This is due to the fact that the advertisement's plot has a straightforward and appealing finale. I shall be constant with that one thing. The advertisement will be altered in every other way. This is because every aspect of the advertisement I intend to recreate differs significantly from the original.

Tuesday 28 March 2023

Rationale for chosen idea

Two kids, both around the age of 17/18 years old. Will be walking home after a long day at school. The then see that their is a que and they join it. After they join it they are very overwhelmed whit happiness. The two friends start to count their change and see if they have money. They have been saving up money for the past week since they have been hearing and seeing posters that the new chocolate is coming out they then started to save up as they no job and get no money from parents so they had to save what they had. They see that they have enough money and go into the shop and buy it. After they bought the chocolate they see that kids behind them helped them so they decide to share there chocolate with the others. After then, the image of the dairy milk chocolate bar appears on the screen.

Wednesday 8 March 2023

Initial Ideas


Response to the client brief

 Explanation of demographics:

Young individuals between the ages of 10 and 30 are included in the demographics for my Cadbury's Dairy Milk advertising campaign. This is due to Diary Milk extremely high sugar content and lack of any other essential ingredients, which will appeal to the youthful market, who prefer plain chocolate bars with a lot of added sugar. Since both sexes adore chocolate, the Diary Milk brand is intended for both men and women. The target market leads an active social life while attending school or working, making Diary Milk chocolate convenient for on-the-go consumption.

The target market's interests may include engaging in energising activities, therefore since the Dairy Milk  bar will be loaded with sugar, eating one will give them a boost. As most ethnic groups buy chocolate, the ethnicity will be mixed.

The conventions of television advertisements which I will use include:

- the logo of the brand

- music

- voiceover

- visuals

- narrative

The convention of radio adverts which I will use include:

- voiceover

- music

- actor dialogue

The Industry requirements for the Cadbury advertising campaign include:

- creating an original 30-second television commercial

- creating an original radio commercial; - taking into account the market and its target audience

- taking into account moral and legal considerations

- adhering to genre-specific codes and conventions

- ensuring that any music or audio is copyright-free

The advertising campaign will use radio and television as its media. Both a 30-second audio-visual ad and a 30-second audio ad will be produced for radio stations and television channels, respectively.

The creation of these advertisements will benefit from my experience in developing related items.  Along with creating all the pre-production paperwork, I have also learned the radio for dialogue and sound effects. 

I've also used Final Cut Pro, an editing programme I'll use to edit the video I shoot with my camera. In addition, I could research and created pre-production documents for the audio-visual output. 

Hence, I will be able to create the greatest commercials quickly thanks to my prior experience with media tools and software to create similar products.

Monday 30 January 2023

Case Studies Of Advertising Campaigns

Case Studies of Advertising Campaigns


Case Study 1: McDonalds chicken Big Mac 

My case study advert:

In a television commercial, The chicken Big Mac, is a new product of McDonald's that was promoted. The new product featured in the advertisement includes a thicker 100% chicken burger with carefully chosen components and all of it is served in a brioche-style bun. In 2022, the advertisement debuted and was broadcast on a number of television networks. Just participating restaurants in the UK offered the collection to clients, hence the advertising was only made for that country.


The purpose of the McDonald's television commercial is to publicise and introduce a new product to the market. A woman sitting alone and she see’s the burger she is filled with joy 0:01 in the advertisement illustrates the message. By educating the public on the new product line they are offering, the advertisement has succeeded in its goal. Also, it informs the audience about the various burger varieties they are selling as well as their appearance. 

This will enable those who are watching the advertisement to become aware of the product and possibly try it out for themselves.

Target Audience:

The 15 to 35-year-old demographic is the target market for McDonald's new chicken Big Mac because they like upscale, flavorful burgers with loads of ingredients. They will primarily be of British ethnicity, and they will include both men and women. Since coming to work is part of their lifestyle, they might purchase the burger during their lunch break. The male actor and female who appear in the TV commercial will draw in viewers. This may be the case since they will share the same gender, ethnicity, and age as the actors in the advertisement.

Key message:

The burgers will be loved by the audience if they purchase them, according to the McDonald's chicken Big Mac TV commercial. This is because the advertisement depicts a woman glancing at the burger, and viewers can detect that she is salivating just a little bit. This conveys to the viewer how wonderful the chicken Big Mac is. which will motivate them to buy the product so they may try it for themselves.


The McDonalds television commercials use a loving and humorous tone. This is evident throughout the commercial, in which the target consumer is a woman who is alone, daydreaming, and gazing around when the burger attracts her attention. The woman in the advertisement is eying the burger and her mouth is watering for the new McDonald's burger, which illustrates the attitude of love and comedy.

The strategy used in McDonald's billboard advertisements is to show the viewers their chicken Big Mac burgers and make them appear appetising. The burgers, which can be seen on the billboard and appear to be incredibly colorful, demonstrate McDonald's marketing strategy. This will distinguish the burgers from the competition and encourage audience members to buy them.

Overall, the McDonalds campaign's billboard and television advertisements take a significantly different tack. While the billboard does not, the television commercial appears to take a romantic and amusing tack.

The McDonald's television commercial has perfume commercial undertones because those typically include a man or woman acting attractively or doing something unrelated to the product. This may be seen in the McDonald's commercial when a stunning woman sprinting to fetch a burger is dressed in a dress and high heels. Another attractive man is attempting to get her attention. This portrayal aids in the sale of the opulent signature collection burgers by demonstrating to the audience that the new burgers are higher quality than their standard burgers, which is a distinguishing feature for McDonald's.

Campaign logistics:

The McDonald's television commercial for the new chicken Big Mac should be planned to air on television between the hours of 5 and 10 pm on well-known networks like [TV and Sky. The commercial, which was shot in the evening and shows a woman dozing and then noticing the burger at 0:01, can be used to corroborate this claim. A lot of individuals watch television between 5 and 10 o'clock in the evening. Also, since this is when most people will want to have dinner, if the advertisement is shown at this time, viewers may be convinced to visit McDonald's and try one of their new signature burgers. Advertising on well-known networks like ITV and Sky will help increase the effectiveness of the ads. This is due to the fact that ITV and Sky, the most popular channels in the UK, also advertise other food items. As a result, the timing of the advertisement will raise customer interest in the new chicken Big Mac.

Choice of Media: 

This is a television commercial. This image depicts a woman ogling the burger while showing how her mouth is watering. This is broadcast on television because viewers of a particular programme will see the McDonald's commercial, which may make them hungry because they are viewing food. So, this advertisement is appropriate for television since it will convince the audience to buy the burger because they want to experience it

Call to action: 

The website is the method for responding to their television advertisements, and the anticipated response is to go out and buy the chicken Big Mac burger. The audience is given a link to the McDonald's website at 0:01, where they can use it to find the closest McDonald's that sells the chicken Big Mac and make a purchase. This illustrates the response mechanism and anticipated response. Since people must visit the fast food restaurant and buy the new chicken Big Mac burgers in order for McDonald's to make a profit, the response mechanism and anticipated response are acceptable for the product.

Legal & Ethical issues:

Royalties and material are two legal and moral concerns that have an impact on the television advertisement. When the advertisement uses music that is the property of an artist, royalties are a problem. In order to use the owner's music in the advertisement, McDonald's should provide the owner a royalty payment to resolve this legal issue. The content is a problem since the advertisement mimics and perhaps mocks perfume advertisements, whose content is frequently comparable to that of this advertisement. McDonalds must take care to avoid making a clear connection between this ethical dilemma and perfume ads.

Regulation issues:

The commercial complies with ASA regulations because it is not deceptive and does not injure or offend the target audience. This is evident in the television advertisement, which clearly depicts the chicken Big Mac burger. The content of the woman's "eyeing" is intended to be humorous and exaggerates the burger's delectability. The scenario in the advertisement is unlike real life and is intended to have a hilarious effect on the audience, thus it does not cause any harm or offence to them.

Print Ad: Billboard posters

On public billboards, the new McDonald's "chicken Big Mac" was also promoted. Three new burgers from the new line, including the traditional chicken burger, are featured in the advertisement. In 2022, the advertisement was released and displayed on various billboards throughout the UK. Just participating restaurants in the UK made the collection available to consumers, hence the commercial was only made for that country.


The new chicken Big Mac burger is the subject of a McDonald's billboard advertisement. The billboard is utilised to accomplish this goal since it advertises the product to thousands of onlookers and makes the new product line as widely known as possible. Also, placing a sizable billboard in a busy place is sure to get a lot of attention, which will in turn pique people's interest in the new chicken Big Mac from McDonald's by making them interested about how it tastes.

The overall objective of both of these commercials from the McDonald's chicken Big Mac advertising campaign is the same. These commercials' objectives include raising awareness, highlighting the new product line, and boosting sales.

Target Audience:

The target demographic will be between the ages of 15 and 35 because they prefer richer, more flavourful burgers with more components than younger or older people do. They are primarily targeting people of British ancestry, both males and ladies. They will likely commute to work, so they might buy the burger during their lunch break. Because the target market will be seeking for something to eat for lunch during their break, the outdoor billboard display will catch their attention and persuade them to buy the chicken Big Mac burger.

Generally, because they both promote the chicken Big Mac, these two advertisements from the same McDonald's campaign appeal to the same demographic. The TV commercial tells the audience that the burgers are intended for young people, hence the billboard does not feature the actors from the TV commercial.

Key message:

The purpose of the McDonald's chicken Big Mac billboard is to highlight their key differentiator. The upscale hamburgers at McDonald's are a novel offering that cannot be found at Burger King or KFC. The chicken Big Mac billboard will suggest to the public that the burger is extremely opulent and of a high grade when compared to other fast food burger products, which appear to be of lower quality than the iconic collection. Due to the fact that it will make the burgers stand out from the competition and enhance their worth, this is a very effective marketing strategy.

Basically, the main theme of these two commercials from the same McDonald's campaign is the same. The primary objective is to demonstrate to the audience how distinctive and mouthwatering the new burgers are. This is demonstrated by the television commercial and the billboard, both of which help the burgers stand out from the competitors and draw viewers.


The strategy used in McDonald's billboard advertisements is to show the viewers their chicken Big Mac burgers and make them appear appetising. The burgers, which can be seen on the billboard and appear to be incredibly colourful, opulent, and delectable, demonstrate McDonald's marketing strategy. This will distinguish the burgers from the competition and encourage audience members to buy them.

Overall, the McDonalds campaign's billboard and television advertisements take a significantly different tack. While the billboard does not, the television commercial appears to take a romantic and amusing tack.

Campaign logistics:

It would be preferable to place the McDonald's chicken Big Mac outdoor billboard commercial in regions with high pedestrian traffic or near densely populated workplaces. For instance, it could be appropriate to place the advertisement near Oxford Circus since people who are on their lunch break or are extremely hungry might want to eat something that is inexpensive, tasty, and quick to prepare. People will then be persuaded to visit McDonald's and buy the new chicken Big Mac burger as a result of this.

Since the television commercial is broadcast on well-known television channels and the billboards are put in areas where many people pass by, both of these advertising from the same McDonald's campaign employ scheduling to target the same demographic.

Call to action:

The expected response is to visit the restaurant and make a purchase. The response mechanism for the McDonald's billboard advertisement is to go to their website address. It claims "Exclusively offered in selected restaurants," which is the response mechanism. The audience's response, then, is to visit their website to find out which restaurants carry the signature line. This phrase also elicits the anticipated response because it encourages the audience to visit McDonald's and buy the burger. Given that this is the sole means for the audience to learn more about the burger and make a purchase, the response mechanism and anticipated response are appropriate for the product.

Ultimately, the call to action is the same in both the television and billboard advertisements because the response mechanism is to visit the McDonald's website, and the anticipated response is to visit the fast food establishment and purchase the trademark burger.

Legal & Ethical issues:

Making sure that it looks the same as it does on the billboard and public interest are two legal and ethical considerations that may affect the McDonald's billboard advertisement. If the chicken Big Mac doesn't look exactly like it does in the billboard advertisement, McDonald's risks misleading customers and creating moral and ethical dilemmas. Making sure that all the hamburgers have the same appearance will solve this. Due to the billboard possibly being situated close to a church or temple, public attention may also be a problem. Hence, McDonald's should think about where it places its billboards in order to avoid moral concerns.

Overall, there are a few minor differences between the legal and ethical considerations for the billboard and television advertisements. While the billboard advertisement must take into account public interest and ensure that the burger looks the same as it would if customers were to purchase it in the restaurant, the television advertisement must take into account royalties and material as it is an audio-visual advertisement.

Regulation issues:

The billboard advertisement complies with ASA regulations because it is not deceptive and does not hurt or offend the general public. The chicken Big Mac burger and the locations where customers may get it are prominently displayed on the billboard. Due to the lack of sensitive information and sole focus on the goods being advertised, the billboard does not injure or offend the audience. However, individuals who fail to read the billboard, which makes it clear that it is only sold at upscale restaurants, may claim that the advertisement is deceptive because they might think it is available at all McDonald's restaurants. The fact that the wording on the billboard is huge and bold and so visible to everyone helps to overcome this.

Ultimately, neither the McDonald's billboard advertisement nor the television advertisement mislead or hurt the public, they both adhere to the same ASA rules.

Case study two: Miss Dior Perfume 

My case study advert:

The product in this advert is the Miss Dior perfume. The advert came out in 2017 on the second September. This advert was displayed on the Tv and on billboards. I found this advert on YouTube. This advert was created global. This advert got a lot of attention has it was played on the Tv as an ad, and it was also on billboards. 


The purpose of Miss Dior TV ad is to promote their new product to a wide audience. When the perfume is finally exposed at the end of the commercial and the audience is able to see what it looks like and what it is named, the goal is finally accomplished. This advertisement succeeds in its goal since it informs the audience about Miss Dior’s newest scent and encourages them to buy it. In The advert we can see at (0.41) how the perfume is shown to get the main idea across.

Target Audience:

The target audience would be young women of all ethnic backgrounds who will be wearing  Miss Dior's new fragrance will be its target market because they already wear perfume and want to continue to look rich. Going out to parties or other social gatherings may may be part of their lifestyle. Women that are going on dates and events are most likely to wear this perfume is well. The target audience will be drawn to this TV commercial since it features young, attractive individual women dancing and seen with a man as a couple . As the target audience may be able to relate to them, this will draw them in and persuade them to buy the scent.

Key message:

The main theme of Miss Dior's television commercial is to promote the advantages of the brand-new Miss Dior perfume, such as how using it will make a person feel and smell good and increase their confidence. This is demonstrated in the commercial by a woman who is joyful and self-assured while moving with a man. Since people want to smell good and feel good, this key message works well to market perfume.


The Miss Dior television commercials take a confident stance. This can be seen in the advertisement where a woman and a guy are dancing. Because the television commercial implies that the new Miss Dior perfume will boost your confidence and make you feel good, the strategy of confidence is clear. One of the key elements of the Miss Dior ad is the model dancing carelessly in the open, which distinguishes the Miss Dior perfume from rivals.

Campaign logistics:

The Miss Dior television commercial for their new fragrance ought to show in the evening on well-liked networks like ITV. This is appropriate because the advertisement features people dancing while dressed in formal attire like sparkly dresses and suits, which suggests that they are celebrating, which frequently occurs in the evening. This scheduling would increase the likelihood that the audience would see the advertisements because people are more likely to view in the evenings after they get home from work. As a result, the new Miss Dior would become more well-known and attract more attention.

Campaign logistics:

On television, this commercial is shown. A group of models are seen moving and having fun in the TV commercial. Finally, the scent is displayed in the advertisement. Thousands of people who are viewing television commercials in between popular programmes will see this. As a result, this will make a large audience aware of Miss Dior's new scent and persuade them to buy it.

Call to action:

Online searches for the new Miss Dior scent are one way viewers can respond to television advertisements. The advertisement's intended response is for viewers to go out and buy the Miss Dior fragrance. This can be demonstrated through the advertisement because all the audience has been given is the perfume's name, which will pique their curiosity and possibly lead them to look it up online to learn more about the product, such as where they can buy it and how much it costs. The only method for customers to try the perfume is to visit the store and smell the scent, so the response mechanism and the anticipated reaction are suitable for the product.

Legal & Ethical issues:

Royalties and intellectual property rights are two legal and moral concerns that might have an impact on the television advertisement. The music "Sia Chandelier" is used in the Miss Dior commercial. As a result, they will need to compensate the artist and obtain their consent before using their song in the advertisement. Given that the models are sporting clothing and gold jewellery that are probably held by major corporations and that there are two shots of a car, intellectual property rights may also be a problem. This indicates that Miss Dior will need to obtain the businesses' consent before allowing their models to don their clothing and jewellery and featuring the car in the advertisement.

Regulation issues:

As it is not deceptive and does not harm or offend the public, the Miss Dior television advertisement complies with ASA regulations. This is demonstrated by the advertisement, which specifies the perfume's name and the way it will appear after purchase. Due to the content, which features happy individuals dancing, the advertisement does not hurt or offend the audience. As a result, the Miss Dior advertisement complies with all ASA regulations.

Print Ad: Magazines

The product in the magazines is Miss Dior new perfume called 'Miss Dior'. The advert was launched in 2021 and was displayed in magazines such as ''. It was created for people who live worldwide as the magazines that the perfume features in the world . But it was created in France.


The purpose of the Miss Dior magazine advertisement is to inform magazine readers about their new perfume. To make sure that everyone who reads the publications is aware of their "Miss Dior" perfume, they have placed advertisements in them. The advertisement succeeds in its goal since it reaches a wide range of individuals because even those who don't watch much television may read more publications. This implies that Miss Dior can grow their clientele by placing advertisements in periodicals. 

Ultimately, the purpose of these two ads from the same Miss Dior marketing campaign is the same. These commercials' objectives include promoting a new product, raising awareness, and boosting sales.

Target Audience:

Young adults of various ethnic backgrounds who identify as females will make up the target market for Miss Dior's new fragrance. In order to be confident and presentable, they'll want to smell good. They might attend parties or other social gatherings as part of their lifestyle. A young, gorgeous couple wearing very formal attire and clicking their fingers is seen in the magazine. The target audience will find this appealing since they might identify with the individuals in the picture. 

Although they both include a photo of two young, attractive persons clicking their fingers, these two ads from the same Miss Dior advertising campaign, in general, appeal to the same target group. Consequently, young women of many ethnic backgrounds who enjoy going out are the Miss Dior's target market.

Key message:

The audience is to be shown that Miss Dior's perfume is exceptional and is worn by wealthy, attractive people like those in the magazine advertisement. This is because the model in the advertisement appears to be so elegant and lovely. Because it demonstrates the excellent quality of the perfume and gives the viewer the impression that if they buy it, they can relate to the model in the advertisement and feel wonderful, this key message is effective for selling the million perfume. 

Ultimately, the fundamental message of these two adverts from the same Miss Dior advertising campaign is to demonstrate to the public how distinctive and special the new million perfume is unique and will make you feel confident and beautiful. This can be noticed because both advertisements feature models who appear chic and certain, which suggests to the audience that they should buy the perfume.


The method used in Miss Dior magazine adverts is assurance. This is demonstrated in the commercial by the man and woman, who are dancing and appear attractive. Miss Dior's campaign has an iconic dance that distinguishes it from other perfume advertising and demonstrates the model's confidence. 

Overall, the print and television advertisements use the same tack. Both advertisements exhibit the confidence-inspiring approach because they are so similar. Both depict assured individuals dancing.

Campaign logistics:

Print advertisements for Miss Dior should be published in publications focusing on fashion, beauty, and women, like vogue. This is due to the gorgeous woman who appears to be highly fashionable and alluring in the newspaper advertisement. With the abundance of model photographs in magazines like Vogue, this is similar to their content. Because Vogue is one of the most read magazines in the UK and is read by people who care about their looks and want to smell nice, placing their magazine ad there would increase the likelihood that the advertisement would be seen by a significant number of people. 

Both of these ads, which are part of the same Miss Dior campaign, employ scheduling to reach the same demographic since the company wants to market its perfume to a young, urban audience, the majority of whom have already bought it and are looking to better themselves.

Call to action:

The way to respond to magazine advertisements is to visit their website and possibly use social media as well. This is evident from the fact that in one of the magazine advertisements, a hashtag (MissDior), and in the other, a link to the Miss Dior website, are there. In order to promote the new Miss Dior perfume, the reaction mechanisms to the advertisements enable the buyer to learn more about it on the website and share it on social media. While the visual of the perfume entices the audience to visit a perfume shop and find the perfume, to test if it smells pleasant or not, the expected response to the advertisement is to go to the store and buy it. Because it would pique customers' attention and raise awareness of the Miss Dior perfume, the reaction mechanism and expectation mechanism used in magazine advertisements is suitable for the product.

Ultimately, the Miss Dior campaign's television and print advertisements feature the same call to action. The way to respond to the advertisements is to visit their website and use social media sites like Twitter, where the hashtag #MissDior was employed in the campaign to draw attention to the new fragrance. The expected response is to go out and buy the perfume because they can only smell it once they use it.

Legal & Ethical issues:

Making sure that it looks the same as it does on the billboard and public interest are two legal and ethical considerations that may affect the Miss Dior billboard advertisement. If the Miss Dior doesn't look exactly like it does in the billboard advertisement, Mis Dior  risks misleading customers and creating moral and ethical dilemmas.  Due to the billboard possibly being situated close to a church or temple, public attention may also be a problem. 

Regulation issues:

Due to the fact that it does not injure or offend the audience and is not misleading, the magazine advertisement complies with ASA regulations. This is evident in the advertisement, which features two models and the brand-new "Miss Dior" fragrance. It is also made very apparent that the advertisement is by Miss Dior. As a result, it is not deceptive and won't offend the audience. But, if the audience could not clearly see the image of the new perfume, it would indicate that the models would be the major emphasis of the advertisement, which could mislead the audience into thinking that it is for a designer clothes firm or a model agency.

Generally, the Miss Dior campaign's television and magazine advertisements follow the same ASA requirements because they do not offend or deceive the viewer into believing the product is something else.
