Tuesday 28 March 2023

Rationale for chosen idea

Two kids, both around the age of 17/18 years old. Will be walking home after a long day at school. The then see that their is a que and they join it. After they join it they are very overwhelmed whit happiness. The two friends start to count their change and see if they have money. They have been saving up money for the past week since they have been hearing and seeing posters that the new chocolate is coming out they then started to save up as they no job and get no money from parents so they had to save what they had. They see that they have enough money and go into the shop and buy it. After they bought the chocolate they see that kids behind them helped them so they decide to share there chocolate with the others. After then, the image of the dairy milk chocolate bar appears on the screen.

Wednesday 8 March 2023

Initial Ideas


Response to the client brief

 Explanation of demographics:

Young individuals between the ages of 10 and 30 are included in the demographics for my Cadbury's Dairy Milk advertising campaign. This is due to Diary Milk extremely high sugar content and lack of any other essential ingredients, which will appeal to the youthful market, who prefer plain chocolate bars with a lot of added sugar. Since both sexes adore chocolate, the Diary Milk brand is intended for both men and women. The target market leads an active social life while attending school or working, making Diary Milk chocolate convenient for on-the-go consumption.

The target market's interests may include engaging in energising activities, therefore since the Dairy Milk  bar will be loaded with sugar, eating one will give them a boost. As most ethnic groups buy chocolate, the ethnicity will be mixed.

The conventions of television advertisements which I will use include:

- the logo of the brand

- music

- voiceover

- visuals

- narrative

The convention of radio adverts which I will use include:

- voiceover

- music

- actor dialogue

The Industry requirements for the Cadbury advertising campaign include:

- creating an original 30-second television commercial

- creating an original radio commercial; - taking into account the market and its target audience

- taking into account moral and legal considerations

- adhering to genre-specific codes and conventions

- ensuring that any music or audio is copyright-free

The advertising campaign will use radio and television as its media. Both a 30-second audio-visual ad and a 30-second audio ad will be produced for radio stations and television channels, respectively.

The creation of these advertisements will benefit from my experience in developing related items.  Along with creating all the pre-production paperwork, I have also learned the radio for dialogue and sound effects. 

I've also used Final Cut Pro, an editing programme I'll use to edit the video I shoot with my camera. In addition, I could research and created pre-production documents for the audio-visual output. 

Hence, I will be able to create the greatest commercials quickly thanks to my prior experience with media tools and software to create similar products.
