Story Title: Cadbury Dairy Milk - “There’s a glass and a half in everyone “
Timer | Script | Fix | Music |
00:06 00:08 00:12 00:16 00:21 00:23 00:26 00:28 | Narrative: Ever tried dairy milk cake? Narrative: Have you ever tasted a chocolate bar from Cadbury Dairy Milk? Narrative: Well, there's excellent news for you. Narrative: You can now buy a new product that gives you the energy you require. Narrative: The name of this item is dairy milk. Narrative: The milk flavour will be combined in this lovely product, giving you the best of both worlds. Narrative: It is currently accessible everywhere. Narrative: What is preventing you. Try it out right away. Narrative: it’s “There’s a glass and a half in everyone “ | There won't be many visual effects throughout this radio commercial. This is because the radio advertisement will just project the voice and will air there. Therefore, there won't be much of an impact when it comes to FIX. However, there will be some while discussing the musical components. This increases the appeal of the advertisement and encourages viewers to purchase the chocolate. | Music will be incorporated into this advertisement. This is because, in my opinion, it is necessary to maintain the audience's interest. As a result, I'm going to use the soundtrack from a certain Cadbury video. That will be mentioned at the conclusion. |
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